Bancor Simulator


Bancor Simulator is an open-source python package developed by the Bancor Research. It aims to assist the design, testing, and validation of Bancor v3 tokenomics.

See official documentation for complete details.

Warning: This documentation is a work in progress with potentially broken links, unfinished sections, and commands for including code segments. Moreover, the entirety of the codebase and documentation is subject to change without warning.


All state transition functions and accompanying data structures described in the product specification BIP15: Proposing Bancor 3 are the core system level operations of this library.


This is the project directory structure:

bancor_analytics/            <------- Tableau Dashboard Project
bancor_emulator/             <------- Solidity Emulation Project
bancor_simulator/            <------- ** Spec & Simulation Project **
├── v3/                      <------- Current Version
│   └── simulation/          <------- Agent-based simulation module
│   │     └──      <------- Mesa Agent-based implementations of the Bancor protocol.
│   │     └──   <------- Script used to perform a parameter sweep.
│   │     └──       <------- Main Bancor Simulation module interface.
│   │     └── <------- Generalized behavior for random walking
│   │     └──         <------- Runs the simulation server with browser-based UI
│   │     └──      <------- Configures the browser-based interface.
│   │     └──       <------- Misc utility functions
│   │ 
│   └── spec/                <------- State transition functions and data structures described in BIP15.
│         └──     <------- Deposit, trade, & withdrawal algorithm logic.
│         └──   <------- Verifies solidity result parity.
│         └──     <------- Main BancorDapp application interface.
│         └──     <------- Autocompounding and standard rewards logic.
│         └──       <------- State variables, constants, data structures, and CRUD interfaces.
│         └──       <------- Misc utility functions
└──                  <------- Application

** These docs apply.


Code snippets appearing in this style are to be interpreted as Python 3 code.

Formatting & Style

Code is formatted according to PEP8, which is the official Python style guide. In order to overcome the burden on the developers to fix formatting, we use Black which reports on format errors and automatically fixes them.


Standard Types

Python decimals.Decimal(precision=155)is used for all floating-point values for reason of obtaining theoretical accuracy. After a theoretical result is produced, the emulator module provides a python-based solidity contract replica result in order to assess any fixed-point math and/or other implementation deviations.

Custom Types

We define the following Python custom types for type hinting and readability:






an epoch number


Non-Configurable Constants

The following values are (non-configurable) constants used throughout the specification.

MODEL = "Bancor Network"
VERSION = "1.0.0"
MAX_UINT112 = 2 ** 112 - 1

Configurable Genesis Variables

The following values are (configurable) genesis variables used throughout the specification.

Note: Where applicable, the default values correspond to those used in BIP15 examples, or are otherwise expected to be those values which are actually implemented on the Bancor dApp.

DEFAULT_WHITELIST = ["dai", "eth", "link", "bnt", "tkn", "wbtc"]
DEFAULT_USERS = ["alice", "bob", "charlie", "trader", "user", "protocol"]
DEFAULT_TRADING_FEE = Decimal('0.0025')
DEFAULT_NETWORK_FEE = Decimal('0.0025')
DEFAULT_BNT_FUNDING_LIMIT = Decimal('1000000')
DEFAULT_ALPHA = Decimal("0.2").quantize(DEFAULT_QDECIMALS)
        "INDX": (0 for _ in range(DEFAULT_NUM_TIMESTAMPS)),
        "vbnt": (1.0 for _ in range(DEFAULT_NUM_TIMESTAMPS)),
        "tkn": (2.5 for _ in range(DEFAULT_NUM_TIMESTAMPS)),
        "bnt": (2.5 for _ in range(DEFAULT_NUM_TIMESTAMPS)),
        "link": (15.00 for _ in range(DEFAULT_NUM_TIMESTAMPS)),
        "eth": (2500.00 for _ in range(DEFAULT_NUM_TIMESTAMPS)),
        "wbtc": (40000.00 for _ in range(DEFAULT_NUM_TIMESTAMPS)),

Misc dependencies


The following object represents token values in the system. Supported operations include add, subtract, and set which are anologous to credit, debit, and overwrite in traditional book-keeping parlance.

class Token(object):
    Represents a token balance with common math operations to increase, decrease, and set the balance.

    def __init__(self, balance: Decimal = Decimal('0'), qdecimals: Decimal = DEFAULT_QDECIMALS):
        self.balance = balance
        self.qdecimals = qdecimals

    def add(self, value: Decimal):
        self.balance += self.validate(value)

    def subtract(self, value: Decimal):
        self.balance -= self.validate(value)

    def set(self, value: Decimal):
        self.balance = self.validate(value)

    def validate(self, value) -> Decimal:
        return Decimal(str(value)).quantize(self.qdecimals)

Data Structures

The following data structures are built with pydantic dataclass objects.

Note: The definitions below are ordered topologically to facilitate execution of the BIP15 spec.

Misc dependencies


Global dataclass config settings inherited by all dataclasses.

class Config:
    validate_assignment = True
    arbitrary_types_allowed = True


class GlobalSettings:
    Represents the default global settings. These can be overridden by the BancorDapp configuration upon instantiation.
    timestamp: int = DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP
    model: str = MODEL
    version: str = VERSION
    eightee_places: int = DEFAULT_QDECIMALS
    max_uint112: int = MAX_UINT112
    precision: int = PRECISION
    decimals: int = DEFAULT_DECIMALS
    whitelisted_tokens: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: DEFAULT_WHITELIST)
    active_users: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: DEFAULT_USERS)
    price_feeds_path: str = DEFAULT_PRICE_FEEDS_PATH
    cooldown_time: int = DEFAULT_COOLDOWN_TIME
    network_fee: Decimal = DEFAULT_NETWORK_FEE
    withdrawal_fee: Decimal = DEFAULT_WITHDRAWAL_FEE
    bnt_min_liquidity: Decimal = DEFAULT_BNT_MIN_LIQUIDITY
    trading_fee: Decimal = DEFAULT_TRADING_FEE
    bnt_funding_limit: Decimal = DEFAULT_BNT_FUNDING_LIMIT
    alpha: Decimal = DEFAULT_ALPHA


class Cooldown:
    Represents a pending withdrawal cooldown state.
    id: int
    created_at: int
    user_name: str
    tkn_name: str
    is_complete: bool
    tkn: Any = field(default_factory=Token)
    pooltoken: Any = field(default_factory=Token)


class StandardProgram:
    Represents an standard reward program state.
    id: int
    tkn_name: str
    rewards_token: str
    is_enabled: bool
    is_active: bool
    start_time: int
    end_time: int
    last_update_time: int
    reward_rate: Decimal
    remaining_rewards: Any = field(default_factory=Token)
    reward_per_token: Any = field(default_factory=Token)
    total_unclaimed_rewards: Any = field(default_factory=Token)
    staked_reward_amt: Any = field(default_factory=Token)
    pooltoken_amt: Any = field(default_factory=Token)
    providers: list = field(default_factory=list)


class AutocompoundingProgram:
    Represents an autocompounding reward program state.
    id: int
    tkn_name: str
    owner_id: str
    half_life_days: int
    start_time: int
    created_at: int
    _half_life_seconds: int = 0
    total_rewards: Any = field(default_factory=Token)
    remaining_rewards: Any = field(default_factory=Token)
    prev_token_amt_distributed: Any = field(default_factory=Token)
    total_duration_in_seconds: Decimal = Decimal("0")
    distribution_type: str = "exp"
    is_active: bool = False
    is_enabled: bool = False

    def flat_distribution_rate_per_second(self):
        Returns the rate per second of the distribution.
        return self.total_rewards.balance.quantize(DEFAULT_QDECIMALS) / self.total_duration_in_seconds

    def half_life_seconds(self):
        Returns the half-life of the distribution in seonds.
        return (
            self.half_life_days * SECONDS_PER_DAY
            if self._half_life_seconds == 0
            else self._half_life_seconds

    def half_life_seconds(self, value):
        Sets the half-life of the distribution in seonds.
        self._half_life_seconds = value


class UserStandardProgram:
    Represents a standard reward program user state
    id: int
    staked_amt: Any = field(default_factory=Token)
    pending_rewards: Any = field(default_factory=Token)
    reward_per_token_paid: Any = field(default_factory=Token)


class User:
    Represents a user agent state.
    user_name: str
    pending_withdrawals: Dict[int, Cooldown] = field(
        default_factory=lambda: defaultdict(Cooldown)
    pending_standard_rewards: Dict[int, UserStandardProgram] = field(
        default_factory=lambda: defaultdict(UserStandardProgram)
    wallet: Dict[str, Token] = field(default_factory=lambda: defaultdict(Token))


class Tokens(GlobalSettings):
    Represents all ledger and other configuration balances associated with a particular token's current state.
    timestamp: int = DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP
    master_vault: Any = field(default_factory=Token)
    staking_ledger: Any = field(default_factory=Token)
    pooltoken_supply: Any = field(default_factory=Token)
    protocol_wallet_pooltokens: Any = field(default_factory=Token)
    vortex_ledger: Any = field(default_factory=Token)
    vbnt_burned: Any = field(default_factory=Token)
    external_protection_vault: Any = field(default_factory=Token)
    standard_rewards_vault: Any = field(default_factory=Token)
    bnt_trading_liquidity: Any = field(default_factory=Token)
    tkn_trading_liquidity: Any = field(default_factory=Token)
    bnt_funding_limit: Decimal = DEFAULT_BNT_FUNDING_LIMIT
    bnt_funding_amt: Any = field(default_factory=Token)
    _vbnt_price: Any = field(default_factory=Token)
    spot_rate: Decimal = Decimal("0")
    inv_spot_rate: Decimal = Decimal("0")
    ema_rate: Decimal = Decimal("0")
    ema_last_updated: Decimal = Decimal("0")
    _inv_ema_rate: Decimal = Decimal("0")
    is_trading_enabled: bool = False

    def bnt_remaining_funding(self):
        Computes the BNT funding remaining for the pool.
        return self.bnt_funding_limit - self.bnt_funding_amt.balance.quantize(DEFAULT_QDECIMALS)

    def vbnt_price(self):
        Returns the price of the current vbnt token. Only valid when name==bnt
        assert (
       == "bnt"
        ), f"vbnt_price attempted to be accessed in {} state, call bnt state instead"
        return self._vbnt_price

    def is_price_stable(self):
        True if the spot price deviation from the EMA is less than 1% (or other preset threshold amount).
        return (
                Decimal("0.99") * self.ema_rate
                <= self.spot_rate
                <= Decimal("1.01") * self.ema_rate

    def avg_tkn_trading_liquidity(self):
        The tkn trading liquidity adjusted by the ema.
        return (
            self.bnt_trading_liquidity.balance.quantize(DEFAULT_QDECIMALS) / self.ema_rate
            if self.ema_rate > 0
            else 0

    def tkn_excess(self):
        The difference between the master_vault balance and the average trading liquidity.
        return self.master_vault.balance.quantize(DEFAULT_QDECIMALS) - self.avg_tkn_trading_liquidity

    def tkn_excess_bnt_equivalence(self):
        Computes the equivalent bnt value of the non-trading tkn balance of the master_vault.
        return self.tkn_excess * self.ema_rate

    def bnt_bootstrap_liquidity(self):
        Computes the bnt_min_liquidity multiplied by 2.
        return 2 * self.bnt_min_liquidity

    def inv_ema_rate(self) -> Decimal:
        The inverse EMA rate.
        return self._inv_ema_rate

    def inv_ema_rate(self, val):
        Sets a new inverse EMA rate value.
        self._inv_ema_rate = (self.inv_spot_rate * Decimal(0.2)) + (Decimal(0.8) * val)

    def inv_ema(self) -> Fraction:
        Returns a fraction as two separate outputs
        return Fraction(self.inv_ema_rate)

    def ema(self) -> Fraction:
        Returns a fraction as two separate outputs
        return Fraction(self.ema_rate)

    def ema_descale(self) -> int:
        Used for descaling the ema into at most 112 bits per component.
        return (
                       int(max(self.ema.numerator, self.ema.denominator)) + self.max_uint112 - 1
               ) // self.max_uint112

    def ema_compressed_numerator(self) -> int:
        Used to measure the deviation of solidity fixed point math on v3 calclulations.
        return int(self.ema.numerator / self.ema_descale)

    def ema_compressed_denominator(self) -> int:
        Used to measure the deviation of solidity fixed point math on v3 calclulations.
        return int(self.ema.denominator / self.ema_descale)

    def is_ema_update_allowed(self) -> bool:
        Returns True if the moving average has not been updated on the existing block.
        return int(self.timestamp) != int(self.ema_last_updated)

    def ema_deviation(self) -> Decimal:
        Returns the deviation between these values as emaRate/emaCompressedRate.
        if self.ema_compressed_numerator > 0:
            return self.ema_rate * Decimal(
                self.ema_compressed_denominator / self.ema_compressed_numerator
            return Decimal("0")

System State


class State(GlobalSettings):
    Represents the system state at the current timestamp. Main interface for all other dataclasses.
    transaction_id: int = 0
    timestamp: int = DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP
    price_feeds: PandasDataFrame = None
    whitelisted_tokens: list = field(default_factory=list)
    tokens: Dict[str, Tokens] = field(
        default_factory=lambda: defaultdict(Tokens)
    users: Dict[str, User] = field(default_factory=lambda: defaultdict(User))
    standard_reward_programs: Dict[int, StandardProgram] = field(
        default_factory=lambda: defaultdict(StandardProgram)
    autocompounding_reward_programs: Dict[str, AutocompoundingProgram] = field(
        default_factory=lambda: defaultdict(AutocompoundingProgram)
    history: list = field(default_factory=list)
    logger: Any = logger
    json_export: dict = field(default_factory=dict)

    def valid_rewards_programs(self):
        Returns all valid autocompounding programs for the current state.
        return [
            for p in self.autocompounding_reward_programs
            if self.autocompounding_reward_programs[p].is_active
               and self.autocompounding_reward_programs[p].is_enabled

    def usernames(self):
        Returns a list of all current users
        return [user for user in self.users]

    def withdrawal_ids(self):
        Returns a list of all withdrawal_ids
        return sum([len(self.users[user].pending_withdrawals) for user in self.users])

    def autocompounding_programs_count(self) -> int:
        Returns the count of active autocompounding reward programs
        return len(
                for tkn_name in self.autocompounding_reward_programs
                if self.autocompounding_reward_programs[tkn_name].is_active

    def active_autocompounding_programs(self) -> list:
        Returns the active autocompounding reward programs
        return [tkn_name for tkn_name in self.autocompounding_reward_programs if

    def active_standard_programs(self) -> list:
        Returns the active standard reward programs
        return [tkn_name for tkn_name in self.whitelisted_tokens if self.standard_reward_programs[tkn_name].is_active]

    def standard_programs_count(self) -> int:
        Returns the count of active standard reward programs
        return len(
                for tkn_name in self.whitelisted_tokens
                if self.standard_reward_programs[tkn_name].is_active

    def bnt_price(self) -> Decimal:
        Returns the bnt price feed at the current timestamp.
        return Decimal([self.timestamp, "bnt"])

    def bnt_virtual_balance(self) -> Decimal:
        Returns the inverse of the bnt price feed at the current timestamp
        return Decimal("1") / self.bnt_price

    def bnbnt_rate(self) -> Decimal:
        Returns the inverse of the bnt price feed at the current timestamp
        if (
                self.tokens["bnt"].staking_ledger.balance.quantize(DEFAULT_QDECIMALS) == 0
                and self.tokens["bnt"].pooltoken_supply.balance.quantize(DEFAULT_QDECIMALS) == 0
            bnbnt_rate = Decimal("1")
            bnbnt_rate = Decimal(
                self.tokens["bnt"].pooltoken_supply.balance.quantize(DEFAULT_QDECIMALS) / self.tokens[
        return bnbnt_rate

State Helper (CRUD) Functions

Get Values

These functions get the current state variable value.

  • get_autocompounding_remaining_rewards(state, tkn_name)

  • get_autocompounding_start_time(state, tkn_name)

  • get_avg_tkn_trading_liquidity(state, tkn_name)

  • get_bnbnt_rate(state, tkn_name)

  • get_bnt_bootstrap_liquidity(state, tkn_name)

  • get_bnt_funding_amt(state, tkn_name)

  • get_bnt_funding_limit(state, tkn_name)

  • get_bnt_min_liquidity(state, tkn_name)

  • get_bnt_remaining_funding(state, tkn_name)

  • get_bnt_trading_liquidity(state, tkn_name)

  • get_bnt_virtual_balance(state, tkn_name)

  • get_description(state, tkn_name)

  • get_distribution_type(state, tkn_name)

  • get_ema_last_updated(state, tkn_name)

  • get_ema_rate(state, tkn_name)

  • get_external_protection_description(state, tkn_name)

  • get_external_protection_vault(state, tkn_name)

  • get_flat_distribution_rate_per_second(state, tkn_name)

  • get_half_life_seconds(state, tkn_name)

  • get_inv_spot_rate(state, tkn_name)

  • get_is_ema_update_allowed(state, tkn_name)

  • get_is_price_stable(state, tkn_name)

  • get_is_trading_enabled(state, tkn_name)

  • get_json_virtual_balances(state, tkn_name)

  • get_max_bnt_deposit(state, tkn_name)

  • get_network_fee(state, tkn_name)

  • get_pooltoken_balance(state, tkn_name)

  • get_pooltoken_description(state, tkn_name)

  • get_pooltoken_name(state, tkn_name)

  • get_prev_token_amt_distributed(state, tkn_name)

  • get_prices(state, tkn_name)

  • get_protocol_wallet_balance(state, tkn_name)

  • get_protocol_wallet_description(state, tkn_name)

  • get_rate_report(state, tkn_name)

  • get_remaining_standard_rewards(state, tkn_name)

  • get_spot_rate(state, tkn_name)

  • get_staked_balance(state, tkn_name)

  • get_staking_description(state, tkn_name)

  • get_standard_program(state, tkn_name)

  • get_standard_reward_end_time(state, tkn_name)

  • get_standard_reward_last_update_time(state, tkn_name)

  • get_standard_reward_per_token(state, tkn_name)

  • get_standard_reward_providers(state, tkn_name)

  • get_standard_reward_rate(state, tkn_name)

  • get_standard_reward_start_time(state, tkn_name)

  • get_standard_reward_tkn_name(state, tkn_name)

  • get_timestamp(state, tkn_name)

  • get_tkn_bootstrap_liquidity(state, tkn_name)

  • get_tkn_excess(state, tkn_name)

  • get_tkn_excess_bnt_equivalence(state, tkn_name)

  • get_tkn_price(state, tkn_name)

  • get_tkn_trading_liquidity(state, tkn_name)

  • get_tkn_virtual_balance(state, tkn_name)

  • get_total_bnt_trading_liquidity(state, tkn_name)

  • get_total_holdings(state, user_name, tkn_name)

  • get_total_rewards(state, tkn_name)

  • get_total_standard_rewards_staked(state, tkn_name)

  • get_trade_inputs(state, tkn_name)

  • get_trading_fee(state, tkn_name)

  • get_trading_liquidity_description(state, tkn_name)

  • get_unclaimed_rewards(state, tkn_name)

  • get_user_balance(state, user_name, tkn_name)

  • get_user_pending_rewards_staked_balance(state, user_name, tkn_name)

  • get_user_pending_standard_rewards(state, user_name, tkn_name)

  • get_user_pending_withdrawals(state, user_name, tkn_name)

  • get_user_reward_per_token_paid(state, user_name, tkn_name)

  • get_user_wallet_tokens(state, user_name, tkn_name)

  • get_usernames(state, tkn_name)

  • get_vault_balance(state, tkn_name)

  • get_vault_description(state, tkn_name)

  • get_vault_tvl(state, tkn_name)

  • get_virtual_rate(state, tkn_name)

  • get_vortex_balance(state)

  • get_vortex_description(state, tkn_name)

  • get_whitelisted_tokens(state, tkn_name)

  • get_withdrawal_id(state, tkn_name)


v3 = BancorDapp()
state = v3.get_state()

user_name = "Alice"
tkn_name = "bnt"

balance = get_user_balance(state, user_name, tkn_name)

Note: The operation is similar for pooltokens and vbnt tokens.

pooltoken_name = f"bn{tkn_name}"

balance = get_user_balance(state, user_name, pooltoken_name)

Modify State

The following methods provide an interface to modify State.

Note: For reason of readability and clarity, the following operations are handled by methods of the State class, whereas the above get operations above are handled by functions. Thus, we include the state. prefix for each method below, where typing is assumed state: State

Set Values

  • state.set_autocompounding_remaining_rewards(tkn_name, value)

  • state.set_bnt_funding_amt(tkn_name, value)

  • state.set_bnt_funding_limit(tkn_name, value)

  • state.set_bnt_trading_liquidity(tkn_name, value)

  • state.set_ema_rate(tkn_name, value)

  • state.set_initial_rates(tkn_name, value)

  • state.set_inv_spot_rate(tkn_name, value)

  • state.set_is_trading_enabled(tkn_name, value)

  • state.set_network_fee(tkn_name, value)

  • state.set_pending_withdrawals_status(tkn_name, value)

  • state.set_pooltoken_balance(tkn_name, value)

  • state.set_prev_token_amt_distributed(tkn_name, value)

  • state.set_program_is_active(tkn_name, value)

  • state.set_protocol_wallet_balance(tkn_name, value)

  • state.set_provider_pending_standard_rewards(tkn_name, value)

  • state.set_provider_reward_per_token_paid(tkn_name, value)

  • state.set_spot_rate(tkn_name, value)

  • state.set_staked_balance(tkn_name, value)

  • state.set_standard_program_end_time(tkn_name, value)

  • state.set_standard_program_is_active(tkn_name, value)

  • state.set_standard_remaining_rewards(tkn_name, value)

  • state.set_standard_rewards_last_update_time(tkn_name, value)

  • state.set_standard_rewards_per_token(tkn_name, value)

  • state.set_standard_rewards_vault_balance(tkn_name, value)

  • state.set_tkn_trading_liquidity(tkn_name, value)

  • state.set_token_amt_to_distribute(tkn_name, value)

  • state.set_trading_fee(tkn_name, value)

  • state.set_user_balance(user_name, tkn_name, value)

  • state.set_user_pending_standard_rewards(user_name, tkn_name, value)

  • state.set_user_standard_rewards_stakes(user_name, tkn_name, value)

  • state.set_vault_balance(tkn_name, value)

  • state.set_vbnt_burned(tkn_name, value)

  • state.set_vortex_balance(tkn_name, value)

  • state.set_withdrawal_fee(tkn_name, value)


v3 = BancorDapp()
state = v3.get_state()

user_name = "Alice"
tkn_name = "bnt"
value = 100

state.set_user_balance(user_name, tkn_name, value)

Note: The operation is similar for pooltokens and vbnt tokens.

pooltoken_name = f"bn{tkn_name}"

state.set_user_balance(user_name, pooltoken_name, value)

Decrease Values

  • state.decrease_bnt_funding_amt(tkn_name, value)

  • state.decrease_bnt_trading_liquidity(tkn_name, value)

  • state.decrease_external_protection_balance(tkn_name, value)

  • state.decrease_pooltoken_balance(tkn_name, value)

  • state.decrease_protocol_wallet_balance(tkn_name, value)

  • state.decrease_staked_balance(tkn_name, value)

  • state.decrease_standard_reward_program_stakes(tkn_name, value)

  • state.decrease_standard_rewards_vault_balance(tkn_name, value)

  • state.decrease_tkn_trading_liquidity(tkn_name, value)

  • state.decrease_user_balance(user_name, tkn_name, value)

  • state.decrease_user_standard_rewards_stakes(user_name, tkn_name, value)

  • state.decrease_vault_balance(tkn_name, value)

  • state.decrease_vbnt_burned(tkn_name, value)

  • state.decrease_vortex_balance(tkn_name, value)


v3 = BancorDapp()
state = v3.get_state()

user_name = "Alice"
tkn_name = "bnt"

# Amount to be subtracted from the current state
value = 100         

state.decrease_user_balance(user_name, tkn_name, value)

Note: The operation is similar for pooltokens and vbnt tokens.

pooltoken_name = f"bn{tkn_name}"

state.decrease_user_balance(user_name, pooltoken_name, value)

Increase Values

  • state.increase_bnt_funding_amt(tkn_name, value)

  • state.increase_bnt_trading_liquidity(tkn_name, value)

  • state.increase_external_protection_balance(tkn_name, value)

  • state.increase_pooltoken_balance(tkn_name, value)

  • state.increase_protocol_wallet_balance(tkn_name, value)

  • state.increase_staked_balance(tkn_name, value)

  • state.increase_standard_reward_program_stakes(tkn_name, value)

  • state.increase_standard_rewards_vault_balance(tkn_name, value)

  • state.increase_tkn_trading_liquidity(tkn_name, value)

  • state.increase_user_balance(user_name, tkn_name, value)

  • state.increase_user_standard_rewards_stakes(user_name, tkn_name, value)

  • state.increase_vault_balance(tkn_name, value)

  • state.increase_vbnt_burned(tkn_name, value)

  • state.increase_vortex_balance(tkn_name, value)


v3 = BancorDapp()
state = v3.get_state()

user_name = "Alice"
tkn_name = "bnt"

# Amount to be added to the current balance
value = 100         

state.increase_user_balance(user_name, tkn_name, value)

Note: The operation is similar for pooltokens and vbnt tokens.

pooltoken_name = f"bn{tkn_name}"

state.increase_user_balance(user_name, pooltoken_name, value)


The BancorDapp class provides the top level interface through which the entire codebase is made to simulate real-world scenarios in a practical sense. An instance of this class is analogous to the Environment in common agent-oriented-programming jargon, and more practically, can be thought of like an instance of the Bancor dApp where Traders can perform trades, LPs can make deposits, withdraws, and participate in DAO votes which change the system’s tuneable fee (and other) parameters.

  • v3.begin_cooldown

  • v3.burn

  • v3.claim_standard_rewards

  • v3.create_autocompounding_program

  • v3.create_user

  • v3.dao_msig_init_pools

  • v3.deposit

  • v3.describe

  • v3.describe_rates

  • v3.distribute_autocompounding_program

  • v3.export

  • v3.export_test_scenarios

  • v3.get_state

  • v3.join_standard_rewards

  • v3.leave_standard_rewards

  • v3.next_transaction

  • v3.revert_state

  • v3.set_state

  • v3.set_user_balance

  • v3.show_history


  • v3.update_state

  • v3.whitelist_token

  • v3.withdraw

  • v3.set_trading_fee

  • v3.set_network_fee

  • v3.set_withdrawal_fee

  • v3.set_bnt_funding_limit


v3 = BancorDapp()

tkn_name = 'wbtc'
value = .005

v3.set_trading_fee(tkn_name=tkn_name, value=value)


The library currently supports a limited random walker style simulation scenario.

Parameter Sweeps (Batch Runs)

Parameters sweeps can be done via the mesa BatchRunner instance defined at the bottom of file in the simulation directory. This instance is for collecting data on parameter sweeps. It is not meant to be run with, since starts up a server for visualization, which isn’t necessary for the BatchRunner. To run a parameter sweep, call in the command line from the project directory as follows:

python bancor_simulator/v3/simulation/

The BatchRunner is set up to collect step by step data of the model. It does this by collecting the DataCollector object in a model_reporter (i.e. the DataCollector is collecting itself every step).

The end result of the batch run will be a CSV file created in the same directory from which Python was run. The CSV file will contain the data from every step of every run.

GUI Visualization (Single Runs)

To run the model interactively, run the following command from the project directory:

mesa runserver

Then open your browser to, select the model parameters, press Reset, then Start.